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发布时间:2024-09-27    点击数:

时间 9月28日 主讲人 张甜甜
地点 学术会堂712

分享论文: Demographics and the evolution of global imbalances (Journal of Monetary Economics, Michael Sposi. 2022)

  1. 分享人:张甜甜(金融学院,2022级博士生)

  2. 时间:2024年09月28日(周六),下午15:00-17:00

  3. 地点:学术会堂712

  4. 主持人:王忏(金融学院),赵军柱(创新发展学院中国经济与管理研究院)

  5. 论文摘要:

    The age distribution influences capital flows through aggregate saving and labor supply. To quantify this, I build a dynamic model featuring overlapping generations and international trade among 28 countries since 1970. The equilibrium is replicated by a model with a representative household in each country that experiences an endogenous discount factor, which summarizes the co-evolution of demographics and relevant prices, affording computation of the exact transition. On average, a one-year increase a countrys mean age boosts its current account by 0.4 percent of GDP. Bilateral trade frictions dictate the cross-country response of capital flows to changes in a countrys demographics.

  6. 活动对象:创新发展学院、金融学院学生

  7. 人数规模:30人

  8. 主办单位:创新发展学院中国经济与管理研究院、金融学院联合主办


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