创新发展学院中国金融发展研究院,教授,Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy主编,中央财经大学外汇储备研究中心主任,联系方式:Jieli.cn@gmail.com;,个人主页:https://sites.google.com/view/lijie (英文) http://cafd.cufe.edu.cn/info/1016/1033.htm (中文)
2003—2006年 Claremont Graduate University 经济学(国际金融方向)博士
2000—2003年 Claremont Graduate University 数学硕士
1997—2000年 厦门大学 世界经济硕士
1993—1997年 厦门大学 国际经济学学士
2006年至今 中央财经大学中国金融发展研究院 助理教授、副教授
2007年至今 中央财经大学 外汇储备研究中心主任
2018年4月至今 Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy 主编
1. Zhigang Huang, Jie Li: “Incomplete Exchange Rate Pass-through and International Monetary Policy Cooperation”, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Vol. 27, issue 2, pp. 399-431, 2023. (SSCI)
2. Jiani Li, Jie Li and Tianhang Zhou: “State Ownership and Zombie Firms: Evidence from China’s 2008 Stimulus Plan”, Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, forthcoming, 2023. (SSCI)
3. Jie Li, Sheng Li and Alice Ouyang: “Housing and Wealth Inequality: the Role of Financial Market Participation”, Annals of Economics and Finance, forthcoming, 2023. (SSCI)
4. Tianhang Zhou, Xue Li, Guo Yan and Jie Li: “How Productivity and Credit Constraints Affect Exports Differently? Firm-level Evidence from China”, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol. 62, 207-230, 2022. (SSCI)
5. Wenbin Chen, Shi-zhuan Han, Jie Li and Tianhang Zhou: “The SOE Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission: Evidence from China’s Economic Stimulus Plan”, Asian Economic Papers, 20 (3): 73–93, 2021. (SSCI)
6. Xiangyuan Meng, Xue Li, Wenyan Xiao and Jie Li: “The Differentiated Impacts of External and Internal Financing on Export: the Firm-level Evidence”, International Journal of Emerging Markets, forthcoming, 2021.(SSCI)
7. Shi-Zhuan Han, Honghong Wei, Bihong Huang and Jie Li: “The 2008 Economic Stimulus Plan and Housing Price: The Role of SOEs”, The Singapore Economic Review, forthcoming, 2021. (SSCI)
8. Xue Li, Yanghui Liu, Hanxu Li and Jie Li: “Onshore Spot and Offshore Forward Markets for RMB: Evidence from the “8.11” Exchange Rate Regime Reform”, China Economic Review, Vol. 67, 101617, 2021. (SSCI)
9. Feng Guo, Jie Li and Ming Li: “The Sudden Stops of Debt-Led Capital Inflows, Credit Crunch, and Exchange Rate Regimes”, Review of Development Economics, Vol. 25, issue 2, 956-977, 2021. (SSCI)
10. Zaichao Du, Jie Li and Pei Pei: “The Impacts of China’s Exchange Rate Regime Reform in 2005: A Counterfactual Analysis”, Review of Development Economics, Vol. 25, issue 1, 430 – 448, 2021. (SSCI)
11. Jie Li, Liping Lan and Zhigang Ouyang: “Credit Constraints, Currency Depreciation and International Trade”, Journal of International Money and Finance, Volume 104, article 102175, June 2020. (SSCI)
12. Jie Li, Alice, Ouyang: “Stock and Labor Market Synchronization and Income Inequality: Evidence from OECD Countries”, Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy, Vol. 09, iss. 1-2, pp. 1-20, 2018.(ESCI)
13. Qin Liang, Ningxu Li and Jie Li: “How Are the Determinants of Emerging Asia’s Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions Inflows Different from Outflows?”, Asian Economic Papers, v. 17, No. 1, pp. 126 - 144, 2018.(SSCI)
14. Alice Ouyang, Ramkishen Rajan and Jie Li: “Exchange Rate Regimes and Real Exchange Rate Volatility: Does Inflation Targeting Help or Hurt?”, Japan and the World Economy, v. 39, pp. 62 - 72, 2016. (SSCI)
15. Jie Li: “Comments on ‘Exports and Employment in China, Indonesia, Japan, and Korea’” Asian Economic Papers, 15(1), pp. 73–74,2016. (SSCI)
16. Guo Yan, Sheng Li, Yaqi Lin and Jie Li: “Real Effective Exchange Rate and Regional Economic Growth: Evidence from China’s Provincial Data”,China and World Economy, v. 6, pp. 43-63, 2016. (SSCI)
17. Jie Li, Ramkishen Rajan and Rabin Hattari: “Drivers of Intraregional M&As within Developing Asia”, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, February, v. 21, iss. 1, pp. 116-31,2016. (SSCI)
18. Jie Li, Ramkishen Rajan: “Do Capital Controls Make Gross Equity Flows to Emerging Markets Less Volatile?”, Journal of International Money and Finance, Volume 59, Pages 220-244, December 2015. (SSCI)
19. Jie Li, Han Yu: “Income Inequality and Financial Reform in Asia: the Role of Human Capital”, Applied Economics, 46(24), Pages 2920-2935, 05/2014. (SSCI)
20. Alice Ouyang, Jie Li: “Too Big to Change: the Stabilizing Force of Reserve Currency Preferences in International Monetary System,” Emerging Market Finance and Trade, Volume 49, Number 5,Pages 120 - 133,2013. (SSCI)
21. Jie Li: “The Effectiveness of Fiscal and Monetary Policy Responses to Twin Crises”, Applied Economics, Volume 45, Issue 27, Pages 3904 - 3913, 2013. (SSCI)
22. Jie Li, Huaxia Huang, Xiao Xiao: “The Sovereign Property of Foreign Reserve Investment in China: A CVaR Approach”, Economic Modelling, Volume 29, Issue 5, Pages 1524–1536, September 2012. (SSCI)
23. Jie Li: “Comment on ‘Can Capital Account Liberalization Lessen Capital Volatility in a Country with Original Sin?’”, Asian Economic Papers, Vol. 11, No. 2, Pages 26-28, Summer 2012. (SSCI)
24. Jie Li: “A Monetary Approach to the Exchange Market Pressure Index under Capital Control”, Applied Economics Letters, 19, Pages 1305–1309, 2012. (SSCI)
25. Jie Li, Alice Ouyang: “Currency Crises: Can High Reserves Offset Vulnerable Fundamentals?”, Applied Economics, v. 43, Pages 2055–2069, 2011. (SSCI)
26. Jie Li, Ramkishen Rajan: “FDI and Technology Transfer under Uncertainty in a Liberalizing Host Economy”, International Economic Journal, Volume 23, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 23 – 41.
27. Jung Sik Kim, Jie Li, Ozan Sula, Ramkishen Rajan and Tom Willett: “Reserve Adequacy in Asia Revisited”, The Korean Economic Review, 23 (1), pp.131-150, 2007. (SSCI)
28. Jie Li: “Examining the Interactions of High Reserves and Weak Fundamentals”, Applied Economics Letters, Volume 14 Issue 8, Pages 617-621, 2007. (SSCI)
29. Jie Li, Ramkishen Rajan: “Can High Reserves Offset Weak Fundamentals? A Simple Model of Precautionary Demand for Reserves”, Economia Internazionale (International Economics), Volume LIX, No. 3, Pages 317-328, 2006.
31. 李杰、侯鸿昌、李博楠:“利率对私人储蓄的影响 - 基于负利率环境的研究”,《中央财经大学学报》,2020年第1期,97-107页。
32. 李杰、沈良延、赵玉丹:“恶性房地产泡沫产生原因的经验分析”,《中央财经大学学报》,2016年第9期,101-111页。
33. 李杰:“外汇储备与人民币货币危机的防范”,《财经智库》,第1卷第3期,2016年5月号,第67-77页。
34. 李杰、陈婧、张礼卿:“外汇储备管理与实际汇率制度选择”,《中央财经大学学报》,2012年第5期,24 -29页。
35. 李杰、寸无旷:“中国外汇储备增长的乘数效应”,《中央财经大学学报》,2011年第12期,23 - 29页。
36.梅松、李杰:“超额外汇储备的宏观风险对冲机制”, 与合作, 《世界经济》,2008年第六期,27-38页。
1. 《中国外汇储备投资研究》, 企业管理出版社,2012年,独立作者。
1. 国家社会科学基金一般项目:“人民币汇率波动、融资约束对中国企业出口的影响研究”,已结项,2018,18BJL106。
2. 国家社会科学基金项目:“中国外汇储备投资风险管理:基于条件风险价值(CVaR)的组合优化模型”,已结项,2011,11CJL037。
3. 中国外汇管理局基金项目:“外汇储备投资的主权性研究”,已结项,2011。
4. 教育部:“留学归国博士留学基金”,已结项, 2009。
5. 教育部基金青年项目:“中国外汇储备风险管理研究”,已结项,2007,07JC90005。
6. 中央财经大学121青年博士基金:“中国外汇储备投资策略研究”,已结项,2007。
1. 2018年,“中央财经大学研究生论文大赛最佳论文指导老师奖”
2. 2018年,“中央财经大学中国金融发展研究院杰出校友杯论文大赛最佳论文指导老师奖”
3. 2010,2012,2014,2016年,“中央财经大学最佳硕士论文指导教师奖”
4. 2012年,“第三届中央财经大学-鸿基世业行业研究大赛优秀指导老师奖”
5. 2011年,“中央财经大学班主任工作科研成就单项奖”
6. 2011年,“第二届中央财经大学-鸿基世业行业研究大赛优秀指导老师奖”
7. 2004年,Haynes Dissertation Grant
8. 2004年,Phi Beta Kappa Award for Excellent International Scholars
9. 2001 – 2006年,Full Fellowship, Claremont Graduate University
10. 1998年,厦门大学光华奖学金
Annals of Finance and Economics; Applied Economics; Asian Economic Papers; China and World Economy; China Economics Quarterly; China Economic Review; Economic Modelling; Economics of Transition and Institutional Change; Emerging Markets Review; Emerging Markets Trade and Finance; European Journal of Finance; International Economics; International Review of Economics and Finance; Global Policy; Global Journal of Economics; Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy; Journal of International Economics; Journal of International Money and Finance; Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies; Review of Development Economics; The World Economy; 中国社会科学
1. A Session, “International Money and Finance”, Western Economic Association Pacific Rim Conference, Tokyo, Mar. 20-23, 2019.
2. A Session, “Research Frontiers about Foreign Reserves”, Asia-Pacific Economic Association 6th Annual Conference, Hong Kong, July 8-9, 2010.
3. Asia-Pacific Economic Association 4th Annual Conference, CUFE, Beijing, Dec. 15-16, 2008.
4. A Session, “Research Frontiers about Foreign Reserves”, Proposed for the forthcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Association 6th Annual Conference, Hong Kong, July 8-9, 2010.
5. A Session, “International Financial Issues”, at Pacific Rim Conference of Western Economic Association at Beijing, Jan. 12, 2007.
1. “Can Complete Monetary Sterilization Sterilize Completely?”,澳门大学, 台湾云林科技大学,厦门大学,2013年11月,12月。
2. “Do Capital Controls Reduce the Volatility of Gross Capital Inflows and Outflows?: Evidences from Gross FDI and Equity Flows in Emerging Markets”, Claremont Graduate University, 中央财经大学、西南财经大学、上海财经大学,2012年12月。
3.“Export Sophistication and Outward FDI”,北京大学,2012年6月。
4. “Do Capital Controls Reduce the Volatility of Gross Capital Inflows and Outflows? Intended and Unintended Consequences”,清华大学, 2012年5月。
5. “A Framework of China’s Monetary Policy, Foreign Reserves and Inflation”,中央财经大学, 2012年3月。
6. “A Simple Model for Currency Composition of Foreign Reserves”, 对外经贸大学, 2010年3月。
7. “Hedging Mechanism for China’s Foreign Reserves Investment”, 浙江大学, 2008年3月。
8. “China’s Foreign Reserves Issues”, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, Feb. 2007。
9. “The Imprecision of the Precision Weights”, 中央财经大学, 2006年10月。
10. “The Imprecision of the Precision Weights”, Milken Institute, Santa Monica, July, 2006。
11. “Examining the Interactions between High Reserves and Weak Fundamentals in Currency Crises”, Lawrence University, Wisconsin, February, 2006。
1. “Monetary Expansion and Government Guarantees: Lessons from China’ Stimulus Package in 2008”, the Fifth HenanU/INFER Workshop on Applied Macroeconomics, Kaifeng, 2019.
2. “Credit Constraint, Exchange Rates and International Trade”, Western Economic Association Pacific Rim Conference, Tokyo, Mar. 20-23, 2019.
3. “Monetary Expansion and Government Guarantees: Lessons from China’ Stimulus Package in 2008”, Western Economic Association Pacific Rim Conference, Tokyo, Mar. 20-23, 2019.
4. “Credit Constraint, Exchange Rates and International Trade”, Western Economic Association Annual Conference, Vancouver, June 23-30, 2018.
5. “我国产业集群政策与区域发展”,兼顾效率与公平的中国城镇化会议,上海交通大学,2013年11月。
6. “How Are the Determinants of Asia’s Cross-border M&A Inflows Different from Outflows?”,Asian Economic Panel, Keio University, Tokyo, Oct. 2013.
7. “RMB Foreign Exchange Market Intervention and Export Competitiveness”,ASSA Annual Conference, San Diego, Jan, 2013.
8. “Do Capital Controls Reduce the Volatility of Gross Capital Inflows and Outflows? Intended and Unintended Consequences”,the 8th Annual Conference of Asia-Pacific Economic Association, Singapore, July, 2012.
9. “Market Synchronization and Income Inequality”, 86th Annual Conference of Western Economics Association, San Diego, July, 2011.
10. “Have Reserve Currency Preferences Been a Source of International Monetary Stability or Instability”, Asia Pacific Economic Association 6th Annual Conference, Hong Kong, July, 2010.
11. “A Simple Model of Currency Composition of Foreign Reserves”, Asia-Pacific Economic Association 5th Annual Conference, Santa Cruz, June, 2009.
12. “Seigniorage”, 84th Annual Conference of Western Economics Association, Vancouver, July, 2009.
13. “The Dual Self-Augmented Processes: Foreign Reserves in China and Asset Prices in US”, Western Economics Association 8th Biennial Pacific Rim Conference, Kyoto, Japan, Mar. 2009.
14. “Optimal Foreign Reserve Holdings and the Greater Risks of Foreign Trade Dependence”, 83rd Annual Conference of Western Economic Association, Hawaii, July 2, 2008.
15. “A New Framework for Analyzing Adequate and Excessive Reserve Levels under High Capital Mobility”, Pacific Rim Conference of Western Economic Association at Beijing, Jan. 12, 2007.
16. “Foreign Ownership and Bank Performance: An Initial Assessment for Chinese Banking Industry”, Pacific Rim Conference of Western Economic Association at Beijing, Jan. 12, 2007.
17. “A New Framework for Analyzing Adequate and Excessive Reserve Levels under High Capital Mobility”, 2nd Annual meeting of Asia Pacific Economic Association, Seattle, July 2006.
18. “Reserve Adequacy in Asia Revisited – An Extension”, 74th Annual Meeting of Southern Economics Association, New Orleans, November, 2004.
19. “Reserve Adequacy in Asia Revisited”, 79th Annual Conference of Western Economics Association, Vancouver, July, 2004.
20. “Trends of Current Reserve Accumulation in Asia”, Claremont Workshop on “Reserve Accumulation and Exchange Rate Policies in Asia”, Claremont, November, 2003.