报告论文:Special Economic Zones and Human Capital Investment: 30 Years of Evidence from China
主讲人:王博宇 (中经管2023级硕士生)
论文摘要:By exploiting the large quantity and rich variety of special economic zones (SEZs) in China, this study investigates how such zones affect human capital investment. Results show that SEZs significantly increase the local high school enrollment rate, but the impact varies across zone types: technology-oriented zones encourage education, while export-led zones discourage it. The increased job opportunities and wage premiums inside SEZs for employees with high school education increase high school enrollment, while such opportunities and wages for employees with middle school education decrease enrollment. A very small portion of the impact, if any, can be attributed to increased income.
点评老师:戴田甜 姜神怡 明洋 尹鹏辉
线上会议链接:腾讯会议 453-299-010