2001年9月—2007年8月 加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学 经济学系 经济学博士
2000年9月—2001年7月 加拿大 麦克马斯特大学 经济学系 经济学硕士
1995年9月—1999年7月 北京大学 城市与环境学系 城市与区域规划专业 理学学士 中国经济研究中心 经济学学士(双学位)
2021年9月—至今 中央财经大学 中国经济与管理研究院 长聘教授,博士生导师
2018年10月—至今 中央财经大学 中国经济与管理研究院 教授
2012年10月—2018年10月 中央财经大学 中国经济与管理研究院 副教授
2007年8月—2012年10月 中央财经大学 中国经济与管理研究院 助理教授
《高级宏观经济学》: 硕士、一年级博士、经济学院一年级博士,2007-2010
1.He, Q., Luo, Y., Nie, J., Zou, H. 2023. “Money, Growth and Welfare in a Schumpeterian Model with the Spirit of Capitalism.” Review of Economic Dynamics 47:346-372.
2.He, Q., 2020. “The COVID-19 Pandemic in a Monetary Schumpeterian Model.” Frontiers of Economics in China, 15(4): 626-641.
3.He, Q. 2018. “Inflation and Innovation with a Cash-in-Advance Constraint on Human Capital Accumulation.” Economics Letters 171:14-18.
4.He, Q. 2018. “Inflation and Health in a Schumpeterian Growth Model: Theory and Evidence.” Economic Modelling 75: 159-168.
5.He, Q. 2018. “Inflation and Fertility in a Schumpeterian Growth Model: Theory and Evidence.” International Review of Economics and Finance 58:113-126.
6.He, Q., and M. Sun. 2018. “Does Fiscal Decentralization Increase the Investment Rate? Evidence from Chinese Panel Data,” Annals of Economics and Finance 19(1):75-101.
7.Sun, M. and Q. He. 2018. “Central Transfer and Fiscal Capacity in China: Evidence from the Tax-Sharing System,” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 54(2): 393-409.
8.何其春,2018年:“人类持续变富的解密——2018 年诺贝尔经济学奖得主 Paul Romer 的贡献,”《中央财经大学学报》第12期:119-125。(邀稿)
9.He, Q., and Heng-fu Zou. 2016. “Does Inflation Cause Growth in the Reform-era China? Theory and Evidence.” International Review of Economics and Finance 45: 470-484.
10.He, Q. 2016. “Do Political Factors Cause the Regional Inequality in the Reform-era China?” Review of Development Economics. 20(2): 387-98.]
11.He, Q. and M. Sun. 2016. “Central Planning Legacies: The Lingering Effects of the Great Leap Forward in China,” Bulletin of Economic Research 68(2): 182-203.
12.何其春,邹恒甫,2015年:“信用膨胀、虚拟经济、资源配置与经济增长,”《经济研究》4月:36-49页。人大《复印报刊资料 (国民经济管理)》全文转载。
13.He, Q. 2015. “Fiscal Decentralization and Environmental Pollution: Evidence from Chinese Panel Data.” China Economic Review 36: 86-100.
14.He, Q. 2015. “Quality-adjusted Agricultural Land Abundance Curse in Economic Development: Evidence from Chinese Panel Data.” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 51(s4): s23-s39.
15.He, Q. 2015. “A Monetary Variety-Expanding Growth Model with a Cash-in-Advance Constraint on Manufacturing.” Economics Bulletin 35(1): 571-579.
16.He, Q. and M. Sun. 2014. “Does Fiscal Decentralization Promote the Inflow of FDI in China?” Economic Modelling 43: 361-71.
17.Sun, M. and Q. He. 2014. “Does FDI Promote Human Capital Accumulation? The Role of Gradual Financial Liberalization.” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 50(4):163-75.
18.He, Q. 2013. “Price Scissors and Economic Growth: the Role of Openness.” Pacific Economic Review 18(1): 60-78.
19.He, Q., M. Sun, and Heng-fu Zou. 2013. “Financial Deregulation, Absorptive Capability, Technology Diffusion and Growth: Evidence from Chinese Panel Data.” Journal of Applied Economics XVI(2): 275-302.
20.He, Q. and M. Sun. 2013. “Does Financial Liberalization Change the Sectoral Allocation of Investment? Macro Evidence from Chinese Provinces.” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 49(s2): 6-22.
21.He, Q. and M. Sun. 2013. “Dances with Chinese Data: Are the Reform Period Chinese Provincial Panel Data Reliable?” Annals of Economics and Finance 14(2): 529-551.
22.He, Q. and M. Sun. 2013. “Does Financial Reform Promote the Inflow of FDI? Evidence from China's Panel Data.” Global Economic Review 42(1): 15-28.
23.何其春,2012年:“税收、收入不平等和内生经济增长,”《经济研究》2月:4-14页。人大《复印报刊资料 (理论经济学)》全文转载。
24.He, Q. 2012. “Financial Deregulation, Credit Allocation across Sectors, and Economic Growth: Evidence from China.” Journal of Economic Policy Reform 15(4): 281-299.
25.He, Q. 2012. “Do Financial Liberalization Policies Promote Export? Evidence from China's Panel Data.” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 48(6): 95-105.
26.He, Q. 2012. “Gradual Financial Liberalization, Fdi, and Domestic Investment: Evidence from China's Panel Data.” Journal of Developing Areas 46(1): 1-15.
28.He, Q. 2010. “Expanding Varieties in the Nontraded Goods Sector and Real Exchange Rate Depreciation.” Journal of International and Global Economic Studies, 3(2): 19-38.
29.何其春,2009年:“产业部门间的信用分配作为影响经济增长的一个因素:基于中国的理论和经验分析,” 《世界经济》6月:27-40页。
1. 2010年教育部留学回国科研启动基金
2. 2013年教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划
3.University of British Columbia Graduate Fellowship, 2003-2005
4.Bank of Montreal Graduate Fellowship, UBC, 2002-2004
5.Graduate Fellowship, McMaster University, 2000-2001
6.北京大学, 三好学生, 1996-1997,1997-1998
7.北京大学, 学习优秀奖,1995-1996
2.“Money, Human Capital and Endogenous Market Structure in a Schumpeterian Economy.” with Xilin Wang.
3.“Innovation-Driven Cycles of Growth and Wars.” with Yang Ming, Jun Nie, Heng-fu Zou
4.“Central Bank Independence and Inflation: Schumpeterian Theory and Evidence,” with Heng-fu Zou
5.“Inflation and Growth in a Schumpeterian Economy: An Inverted-U Relationship.” with Zhixiang Zhang.
6.“Does the Kuznets Curve Hold in Ancient China.”with Heng-fu Zou
《Annals of Economics and Finance》编委
Referee experience(期刊匿名评审经历):
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Journal of Economic Growth, Journal of Economics, World Development, Economic Modelling, International Tax and Public Finance, Review of International Economics, Review of Development Economics, China Economic Review, Journal of Economic Policy Reform, BE Journal of Macroeconomics, Bulletin of Economic Research, Global Economic Review, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, Environment and Resource Economics, Annals of Economics and Finance, Singapore Economic Review, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Applied Economic Letters, Journal of Developing Areas, Frontiers of Economics in China, Contemporary Economics, Economics Bulletin, International Economic Journal,《经济研究》,《世界经济》,《经济学季刊》,《管理科学与工程(英文版》,《财贸经济》
中国人民大学,大宏观·全国论坛,2017年10月, “Does Central Bank Independence Reduce Inflation? Theory and Evidence,”
北京大学经济学院,经济史学名家系列讲座第六十一讲,2017年10月24日,“从宏观经济学角度看我国近代和当代的长期经济增长。” “Health and Innovation in a Monetary Schumpeterian Growth Model”
南开大学经济学院,2016年11月, Presenter: “Inflation and Growth: The Role of Central Bank Independence.”
中央财经大学经济学院,2016年10月, Presenter: “Inflation and Growth: The Role of Central Bank Independence.”
中国人民大学,大宏观·全国论坛,2015年10月, “Inflation and Growth: The Role of Central Bank Independence,”
北京师范大学经管学院, 2014年11月, “通货膨胀、资源配置和经济增长”
复旦大学经济学院,2014年6月,3rd International Conference on Regional and Urban Economics, Presenter: “Does Fiscal Decentralization Increase the Investment Rate? Evidence from Chinese Panel Data”
中国人民大学经济学院, 2013年10月, Presenter: “Does Fiscal Decentralization Increase the Investment Rate? Evidence from Chinese Panel Data.”
中国人民大学汉青经济与金融高级研究院,2013年3月, Presenter: “Creative Destruction with Credit Inflation.”
西南财经大学,2012年,International Conference on Challenges and Issues in the Asia-Pacific Countries, Presenter: “Does Financial Liberalization Change the Sectoral Allocation of Investment? Macro Evidence from Chinese Provinces.”
China Economics Association Annual Meeting, Beijing, 2011. Presenter: "Does FDI Promote the Human Capital Accumulation in China?"
Canadian Economics Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, June 2008
Presenter: "Land Curse in Industrialization: Evidence from China."
All China Economics International Conference, Hong Kong, 2006
Presenter: "Gradual Financial Reform, Sectoral Allocation of Credit and Economic Growth."
Canadian Economics Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, May 2006
Presenter: "Gradual Financial Reform, Sectoral Allocation of Credit and Economic Growth."
Discussant: "China’s Incomplete Banking Reforms."
Canadian Economics Association Annual Meeting, Hamilton, May 2005
Presenter: "Debt Contract and Endogenous Growth with Imperfect Financial Market."
TARGET Student Workshop, Vancouver, July 2006
Presenter: "Land-curse in Industrialization: Empirical Evidence from China."