创新发展学院中国经济与管理研究院,教授,联系方式: 18210275972、dengjian@cufe.edu.cn
1996年9月—2002年7月 布朗大学 应用数学(学院专业) 博士
1990年9月—1995年7月 北京大学 力学(学院专业) 流体力学 学士
2009年9月—至今 中经管 教学科研岗 教授
2006年9月—2009年6月 中经管 教学科研岗 副教授
2004年9月—2006年7月 复旦大学数学学院 教学科研岗 副教授
2002年9月—2004年7月 加州理工学院 冯卡门助理教授
1. Jian Deng, Larry Pratt, Lou Howard, and Chris Jones, On Stratified shear flow in sea straits of arbitrary cross section, Studies in Applied Mathematics, Vol 111, 4, pp.409-434. December 2003.
2. Geometric Properties and Non-blowup of 3-D Incompressible Euler Flow, J. Deng, T. Y. Hou, and X. Yu, Comm. in PDEs. , 30, No.1, , 225-243 (2005).
3. A Level Set Formulation for the 3D Incompressible Euler Equations, J. Deng, T. Y. Hou, and X. Yu, Methods and Applications of Analysis, 12 (4), 427-440, 2005.
4. Improved Geometric Conditions for Non-blowup of the 3D Incompressible Euler Equation, J. Deng, T. Y. Hou, and X. Yu, Comm. in PDEs, 31, No. 2, 293-306, 2006.
5. Level Set Dynamics and Non-blowup of the 2D Quasi-Geostrophic Equation, J. Deng, T. Y. Hou, R. Li, and X. Yu, Methods and Applications of Analysis, 13, No. 2, 157-180, 2006.
6. Infinite-dimensional Evans function theory for elliptic eigenvalue problems in a channel, Jian Deng, Shunsaku Nii, Journal of Differential Equations, Volume 225, Issue 1, 2006, Pages 57-89
7. An infinite-dimensional Evans function theory for elliptic boundary value problems, Jian Deng, Shunsau Nii, Journal of Differential Equations, Volume 244, Issue 4, 15 February 2008, Pages 753-765
8. Jian Deng, Mian Ji, “Geometric structure and non-blowup of 2D Quasi-geostrophic equation”, Journal of Fudan University (Natural Science) 2008, Vol 47, Issue 2.
9. Jian Deng, C. Jones, “Multidimensional Morse index theorem and Symplectic view of Elliptic Boundary Value Problems ”, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 363, No. 3, pp 1487-1508, March 2011.
10. Jian Deng, “Some Results on the Schiffer Conjecture in R^2”, Journal of differential equations, 253, pp 2515-2526, 2012
11. Jian Deng, Adrian Nachman, Chris Jones. “Weak reversibility and equilibria of chemical reaction networks”, submitted to SIAM Journal on applied dynamical systems.
12. Ying Lu, Heng Peng, Jiwei Zhao, Ziming Deng, ZiJian Huang, Zhiyong Wang, Jian Deng, Chuanmin Wei, “Ubiquitous blood pressure monitoring using EEG and PPG signals”, 2017 ACM Ubicomp/ISWC, September 11, 2017.
(二) 工作论文
1. Jian Deng, “On the Schiffer’s conjecture in R^3”, working paper.
2. Jian Deng, “On the determination of shape using spectral data in R^3”, working paper.
3. Bernhelm Booss-Bavnbek, Jian Deng, Yuting Zhou, Chaofeng Zhu, “Continuity of families of Calderon projections”, submitted to Journal of Functional Analysis.