2012年5月 西蒙弗雷泽大学 经济学博士
2004年6月 约克大学 经济学硕士
2003年6月 南开大学 金融学学士
2019-至今 中央财经大学人力资本与劳动经济研究中心,副教授
» The Long-term Effect of the Maternal and Infant Health Act on the Human Capital of Adolescents in China,Applied Economics Letters, 2024, 1–6.https://doi.org/10.1080/13504851.2024.2351169, (with Xin Li, and Guansheng Wu).
» Are grandparents a good substitute for parents as the primary caregiver? The impact of grandparents on Children's academic performance,Labour Economics, 2024, 88, 102545, (with Cynthia Bansak).
»Endogenous Information Acquisition and Disclosure of Private Information in a Duopoly,Economic Modelling, 2023, 126, (with Yin, Xundong, Lu, Yuanzhu and Yan, Jianye).
»Returns to Military Service in Off-farm Wage Employment: Evidence from Rural China,China EconomicsReview, 2020, 59, (with Liu, Hong and Hou, Benyufang).
»Timing andDuration ofPaternalMigration and theLeft-behindChildren’sEducationalAttainment – Evidence fromRural China,Review of Development Economics, 2019, 23, 727-744.
»Labor Mobility Barriers andRural-urban Migration in Transitional China,China EconomicsReview, 2019, 53, 211-224,(with Fu, Yu B.).
»Migrant Children or Left-Behind Children: The Dilemma of Rural Migrant Parents in China. In Noah Hamlyn-Harris, eds., Rural China in Focus: Political, Environmental and Social Issues (Nova Science Publishers), 2019.
» PopulationGrowth and the Environmental Kuznets Curve,China Economic Review, 2015, 36, 146-165, (with Fu, Yu B. and Zhang, Zhe G.).
» Is Social Capital Eroded by State-led Urbanization in China? A Case Study on Indigenous Villagers in the Urban Fringe of Beijing,China Economic Review, 2015, 35, 232-246, (with Zhang, Lei and Yu, Li).
» The Effect of Parental Migration on the Educational Attainment of Their Left-behind Children in Rural China,The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 2014, 14(3), 1037–1080.
» Generalists, Specialists: Who Get to the Top,International Journal of Management and Marketing Research, vol 1, 2008.